Insulating Your Perth Double Brick Home: A Guide to Choosing the Right Material

Insulating Your Perth Double Brick Home: A Guide to Choosing the Right Material

The Importance of Insulation in Perth’s Climate

Greetings to all Perth homeowners! Are you pondering how to enhance the comfort and energy efficiency of your double brick house? Insulation is key, and this guide will navigate you through the sea of options to the best choice for your home.

Why Insulate Double Brick Homes?

A significant number of Perth homes, especially the double brick ones, lack adequate insulation. With up to 25% of heat transfer occurring through walls, retrofit cavity wall insulation is essential for reducing energy bills and enhancing sustainability​​.

Exploring Insulation Options for Double Brick Houses

  1. Fiberglass or Rockwool Injection: Commonly used materials like fibreglass or rockwool can be injected into the cavity of double brick walls. These materials are effective but may allow moisture to accumulate in the cavity​​​​.

  2. Polystyrene Beads: A unique option is InsulGuard Cavity Shield, which involves injecting loose polystyrene beads into the cavity. This method is non-invasive and prevents moisture build-up, a significant advantage in double brick structures​​.

Other Insulation Types to Consider

  1. Blanket Batts and Rolls: A standard, affordable, and DIY-friendly option, typically made from fiberglass, cotton, or mineral wool. Suitable for walls, attics, and floors​​.

  2. Spray Foam Insulation: Known for its high R-value, spray foam seals leaks and gaps effectively. Available in open-cell and closed-cell varieties, it's ideal for areas requiring high insulation levels​​.

  3. Blown-In Insulation: Utilizes materials like fiberglass or cellulose, blown into spaces to fit any shape or obstruction. It's a versatile option with variable R-values​​.

  4. Foam Board or Rigid Foam Panels: Effective for insulating floors, roofs, and walls, these panels are made of materials like polyurethane or polystyrene, providing good insulation with high R-values​​.

  5. Rockwool (Mineral Wool): Made from extruded lava rock, Rockwool offers good insulation against heat and sound, and is fire- and moisture-resistant​​.

  6. Loose Fill/Cellulose: Made from recycled materials like newspaper, this insulation is excellent for attics and horizontal spaces​​.

  7. Eco-Friendly Alternatives: Options like recycled denim, sheep’s wool, cork, and cellulose, along with man-made materials like polystyrene and Aerogel, offer eco-friendly insulation solutions​​.

Why Earthwool is the Superior Choice for Perth’s Double Brick Houses

While the above options have their merits, Earthwool emerges as the superior choice for Perth’s double brick houses for several reasons:

  1. Environmental Sustainability: Earthwool is made with up to 80% recycled materials, making it an eco-friendly option.
  2. Non-Combustibility: Essential for bushfire-prone areas in Perth.
  3. Moisture and Vermin Resistance: It doesn’t absorb moisture, making it suitable for the double brick structure which is designed to prevent moisture buildup​​.
  4. Superior Thermal and Acoustic Performance: Offers excellent insulation against both heat and noise, a critical factor in Perth's urban areas​​.
  5. Health and Safety: Free from harsh chemicals, making it a healthier choice for homeowners.

Conclusion: Wrapping Up with Earthwool

In conclusion, while there are various insulation options available for double brick houses in Perth, Earthwool stands out for its environmental friendliness, health benefits, and superior insulation qualities. Make the right choice for your home and embrace the comfort and efficiency that Earthwool offers.

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